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Buried Treasure - The 179D Deduction - Concord LP | Concord Energy Strategies

Written by Concord | May 02, 2013

A kid sees a pirate movie and thinks — for a while, anyway — that the world is full of treasure maps, buried chests and fortunes for the finding.

A grown-up puts these ideas away. But the fact is, many building owners and designers have treasure — in some cases, worth millions of dollars — hidden, without their knowing, in projects they’ve already completed.

The map to this trove is Section 179D of the federal tax code, which provides a deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for significantly energy-efficient projects. (And that’s in addition to the savings in energy costs resulting from the design.)

Why’s it hidden? Because too few eligible recipients haven’t heard of it, and don’t realize that many of the energy-saving practices they already use (some of them in place even before 179D was passed in 2005) can earn them this valuable deduction.

There is no better guide than Concord to the surprisingly rich landscape that 179D reveals. As the country’s leading specialist in this deduction, Concord has the experience, knowledge and capacity to handle any project, at every step of the way. Contact us at 888-897-5445 or via the following link, and find out what Concord can do.