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Ask the Insiders: What’s Going on With Tax Reform? - Concord LP | Concord Energy Strategies

Written by Concord | Sep 27, 2017

It’s crunch time for Congress and the White House on what House Speaker Paul Ryan has called “once-in-a-generation tax reform.” Tax rates, deductions, and policies set in stone are up for negotiation for the first time in decades.

If you want to know where Congress and the White House stand on critical tax measures, and specifically on the 179D tax deduction for commercial energy-efficient property, mark your calendars now for Wednesday, October 4th at 11 am EST.


To register for this informative presentation, click here.

We’ll be hosting a webinar with Rich Meade and Stefan Bailey, senior leaders at Prime Policy Group. Prime is one of DC’s most well-connected political firms and is deeply involved in the debates on tax reform. They’ve successfully led past industry coalition activities to extend and expand the 179D deduction and will be bringing you up to speed on what’s happening and when it’s happening during the webinar. In addition, you’ll get a chance to ask direct questions and get answers from the inside experts.


About Rich Meade

Rich Meade is Vice Chairman of Prime Policy Group and has more than 25 years of experience in legislative, political and public relations strategy. He served for 14 years with House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle (R-IA). As Chief of Staff to the House Budget Committee, he was the principal liaison to the House Leadership, the Administration and all committees of the House of Representatives. More recently, he has helped clients achieve real-world policy successes as an advisor with Prime.

Learn more about Rich Meade here.


About Stefan Bailey

Stefan Bailey is Managing Director of Prime Policy Group. He has served as a senior congressional staffer in both the house and senate and as a trusted advisor to corporate and association leaders. He has more than 17 years of experience in Washington, including more than eight years on Capitol Hill, driving policy reforms.

Learn more about Stefan Bailey here.


At Concord LP, we do everything in our power to give our clients every possible advantage with our comprehensive Section 179D certification services, and access to industry-leading insight through our Concord Policy Primer series. We look forward to talking with you as the future of Section 179D unfolds.