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Construction Employment Hits Six-Year High

Posted by Concord
Construction Employment Hits Six-Year High

Construction employment is at its highest level since January 2009, the Associated General Contractors of America report, adding 46,000 workers in November, while unemployment in the sector dropped to 6.2 percent.

It was the second straight month of large increases in employment growth, following several steadier ones.

“Construction firms appear to be having an easier time finding workers to hire after months of struggling with worker shortages,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “Between accelerating construction spending and new transportation investments coming online, construction employment should continue to grow at a steady rate for the next several months.”

“For the first time since the downturn, we are likely to see robust demand coming from both the private and public sector for new construction projects,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, AGC’s chief executive officer. “As long as the workers are there, firms are likely to keep hiring workers for the foreseeable future.”

For more details, go to’s-unemployment-rate-drops-62

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