
Partner with Concord. Unlock your potential.

Whether you’re looking for help with 179D, R&D tax credits, transferable tax credits, or 6417 direct pay, we can give you the advice and support you need to make navigating energy-related incentives pain-free.

Get started today.

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Working with us is as easy as 1,2,3

You are in professional hands with Concord. We stay on top of industry developments, so you get a no-risk, high-reward service delivered by people who know what they’re doing. 


Talk to us

We discuss your projects and review potential eligibility for clean energy incentives and what you need to claim them.


Activate the Concord Standard

Our team meticulously manages compliance and certification with the support of our proprietary software, Concord Cassion.


Realize returns

You get everything you need to substantiate eligibility, monetize incentives, and maintain compliance through any recapture window.

We guarantee three things above all


has been monetized for our clients with our support over the years

We’ve built repeatable, reliable, definable processes. And we continuously tweak them, so you’re never left out on a limb or in the dark.

A group of people in a meeting


buildings are evaluated annually by us for the incentives we offer

We know engineering, tax, and government agencies. We handle the time-consuming complexity of compliance and deliver results in a clear, no-nonsense way.

A city running on renewable energy


years of being exclusively focused on energy efficiency and clean energy incentives

We won’t leave you wondering or in the lurch. Your needs are attended to by a team of efficient, experienced professionals who know how to deliver results.

Two people discussing about next steps at a table

What are you waiting for?

Gain more, stress less

When you partner with Concord, we don’t just look at immediate financial gains but also long-term business growth and stability. Unlock significant tax incentives through our expert knowledge of complex tax incentives while enjoying a hands-free process.

We stay focused on what we do, so you can stay focused on what you do: building better and powering progress.

A person reading plans for an energy efficient buiding

Only go-getters need apply


Supercharge your future

The cost of doing nothing isn’t obvious. Action may have a cost, but inaction has a price. Partner with us. Take action. Realize your potential.


Never miss out

Clean energy tax incentives are a gold mine. Since we’ve read every document on them we can show you how to get there, mine them effectively, and extract every available nugget.


Turn over every rock

We are “doers”. We explore all available avenues to help you take advantage of tax incentives that exist today, and to set you up in prime position for future opportunities.